Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Into the Future

In our life so far Herman and I have made so many plans that end up changing, that we often laugh about any plans we make at all. The last month has been no exception and turned out to be another roller coaster ride of sadness, plan changes, and excitement.

I have finally been able to book my plane ticket and will start work in a couple of weeks. So excited to get back into it, and being able to adjust life so that I can be there for my family and Dominique's upcoming wedding.

The house closed last week (March 1) which made us so happy after the ten months of waiting for this day.

We were invited to our neighbours' son's 5th birthday party. It was an amazing experience. The women arrive first for an extended religious celebration led by a female Mayan elder and a guitarist who leads the singing. From our limited understanding it appeared that the mother and child are blessed during the ceremony. At the end of the celebration the men join the event. The guests are invited to the front to wish the child happy birthday and the parents receive the presents, which are put aside. The birthday cake is then brought out, and candles are blown out after everyone sings Happy Birthday. The religious leaders then depart and the party continues where the guests each receive a glass of pop and a plate of food with a piece of the cake. Small plastic bags are handed out and the kids then line up to punch the pinata and the candies are then shared with everyone in their little bags. Then the guests head home and the close family members stay for the rest of the evening. We had so much fun and have already received our next invite. We love living here, and I know I am going to miss it a lot.

We spent a lovely day yesterday driving along the emerald coast. We walked with Xena on a stretch of beach in Puerto Chuburnu. Life is so calm and beautiful sometimes!

Herman is meeting with the contractor next week to start discussions for the upcoming construction at the house. We are both excited to get going on the work that will happen here now that we own the house.

Herman will keep me updated with pictures and stories of life in Mexico so that I can keep the blog going.

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